Skillet English Breakfast

Skillet English Breakfast


Skillet English Breakfast later than Bacon, Pork Sausages, Baked Beans, Large Eggs, Tomatoes, Toast

The ingredient of Skillet English Breakfast

  1. 6 slices bacon cooked to your desired level of doneness
  2. 2 pork sausages lively
  3. 14 1/8 ounces baked beans can of English Heinz
  4. 2 large eggs
  5. 2 slices tomatoes
  6. 1 slice toast

The instruction how to make Skillet English Breakfast

Nutritions of Skillet English Breakfast

@type: NutritionInformation
@type: 510 calories
@type: 25 grams
@type: 175 milligrams
@type: 37 grams
@type: 4 grams
@type: 22 grams
@type: 12 grams
@type: 1120 milligrams
@type: 9 grams

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